Sunday, 6 July 2014

Who doesn't like homework?

Meana, Maia, Suliasi, Sylvia, Timote Junior
(absent: Jack Daniel, Saane)

Congratulations on receiving your A-grade homework certificates for Term 2. You presented work to a high standard every week.  What a tremendous effort!


  1. Hi Mrs Buchanan, thank you so much for posting up post on room 10's blog, it is great to see my son Jack Daniel contribution in class and at school. By having this visual portal my family and I are able to see what Jack Daniel encounters and his experiences at school. I often ask him about what he does at school, and now I can see it on the blog and him interacting socially with his peers. Thanks again to you Mrs Buchanan and all the teachers and staff at Ruapotaka School for supporting my son's learning and development.

    Ka pai to mahi
    Maria Tuia - Pemerika

  2. Congratulations to the children on receiving recognition on setting high standards on their home work well done, can't wait for Jack Daniel to bring his certificate home to put on the wall :-)

    Maria Tuia - Pemerika

  3. Thank you for your positive comments and feedback about our Room 10 blog, Maria. It's wonderful to hear that the blog is providing a way to share our learning and experiences with family and whanau, so supporting and valuing what the students are doing.


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