Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Crouch, touch, set ...

The Year 5/6 under 50kg rugby team enjoyed running, passing, tackling and scoring a few tries at today's interschools rugby tournament.  Mr Reid was very proud of your efforts and your positive attitude.  We enjoyed hearing your stories about the games in class this afternoon.  Well done!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for your comment, Paulo. The boys think you missed a good day at the rugby. We miss you in Room 10. How is your new school? Does your class have a blog that we can look at? From all of us in Room 10.

  2. Talofa Room 10, Thank you boys for representing our school. I know you tried hard.

  3. Hi room 10, Mrs Buchanan it is called Croach, Bined, Set I'm just correcting you but it is really cool how they represented our school.


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